January 25, Judge of Navapolatsk court Zinaida Balabolava arrested Naftan employee Aliaksandr Liashkou for 15 days for spreading "extremist" materials in social messenger.
This is the fourth consecutive administrative isolation Aliaksandr, which lasts 59 days, reports «Vitsebskaya Viasna».
In court, it became known that Liashkou allegedly used his Telegram messenger account to send a message from the channel called "Belarus Galaunoga Mozgu," which the authorities included in the national list of extremist materials.
The man pleaded not guilty at the court hearing, stating that he had not distributed extremist publications through his channel in the messenger Telegram.
On the basis of the internal conviction under part 2 of article 19.11 of the CAO, Judge Balabolava sentenced Liashkou to administrative arrest for fifteen days.
Source: «Vitsebskaya Viasna»