This week the European Parliament adopted a resolution stressing the need for strict measures against the regime of Aliaxander Lukashenka. In this document, the EU repudiated the coming Presidential elections on January 26 as sham and called upon the international community to deny Lukashenka recognition as a legitimate Head of State.

The adopted resolution is based on the decisions of international organizations including the International Labour Organization (ILO). Particular attention was given to the Resolution on Belarus adopted by the 111th session of the International Labour in June 2023 which, in accordance with Article 33 of the ILO Constitution, called upon the Member-States to take measures to protect the freedom of association in Belarus.
Repressions against workers and suppression of freedom
The situation of workers’ rights in Belarus remain critical. Independent unions gave been destroyed, their leaders suffer arrests and persecution. Over thirty activists of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP) including its President Aliaxander Yarashuk still linger in jail. Many of those who were forced to leave the country continue their work from abroad despite threats and accusations of terrorism.
To crush civic liberties, the Lukashenka regime makes use of unions structures it fully controls like the Trade Union Federation of Belarus (FPB). The FPB has long lost its legitimacy, becoming, effectively, one of the authorities’ tools for keeping workers under control and supporting the repressions.
European Parliament Resolution and ETUC Statement
Against the backdrop of these developments, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) made a Statement supporting the decision of the European Parliament. The ETUC pointed out that free trade unions play a key role in a democratic society.
“We call for the release of all BKDP leaders and activists; trade unionism is not a crime!
“We denounce the State-controlled elections and the role played by the FPB officials therein and we call upon the EU to take appropriate measures against persons responsible for suppressing of freedoms at the workplace and managing the so-called election campaign of Lukashenka.
“We concur with the decision taken by the International Labour Organization on Belarus in accordance with Article 33 of its Constitution and call upon the ILO Member-States to take steps ensuring the Belarusian Government’s respect of freedom of association”, says the ETUC Statement.
Democracy begins with protection of workers
Free trade unions are an indispensible part of a democratic society. The protect workers’ rights, maintain workers’ dignity, and fight against injustice.
“We believe in the European future for Belarus and we shall continue working with political, social, and civic movements that recognize and respect the role of trade unions in building a democracy responding to workers’ interests”, adds the ETUC.
The Resolution of the European Parliament has become another step in the support of the Belarusian people and its aspirations to freedom, democracy, and protection of workers’ rights.