Everything is as the best traditions of propaganda will have it. Including a “monster” trying to derail the elections.

The Belarusian Education and Research Workers’ Union supported by the Central Election Commission and the Publisher “Education and Upbringing” has presented an interactive magazine for primary school children entitled “A Journey to the Country of Elections”.

It is announced that the magazine “will tell little citizens what Presidential Elections in Belarus are all about, doing so in simple terms they can understand”. There are tasks to be performed by kids, preferably together with their parents. The main characters of the story are the girl Dasha and the boy Pasha.
Children are invited to run elections in their families, count the ballots and, most importantly, “catch the monster trying to thwart Presidential Elections in Belarus”.
This image of a “monster” posing a threat to elections merits particular attention. The concept, in essence, is a symbolic depiction of any opposing actions or criticisms of the regime. Using such images in materials intended for children seeks to install in their minds a persistent perception of the authorities’ opponents as something negative and menacing.
The Trade Union Federation of Belarus (FPB) is actively involved in the election campaign, never bothering to conceal their zealous commitment to the policies of the State. The Federation has been known to focus specifically on the youth, and now the children. Designing interactive publications like “A Journey to the Country of Elections” clearly shows that propaganda efforts in Belarus extend to cover all age groups starting with primary school kids.
Source: gazetaby.com
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