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"Salidarnast" holds an action "Write to a political prisoner"

On May 20, the Bremen association of Belarusians Razam together with the association Salidarnast.e.V. will hold an action "Write to political prisoner!" in support of Belarusian political prisoners.

On this day everyone can give a minimal, but very necessary support to Belarusian political prisoners by writing them a letter or a postcard.

This year the theme of "Day of political prisoners in Belarus" was the right to correspond, which the Belarusian authorities have deprived hundreds of political prisoners. But we can help! On May 21, we urge you to express solidarity with all political prisoners, draw international attention to their problems and demand their release or at least write a letter.

Human rights activists chose the date of the Day of Solidarity with political prisoners in Belarus not accidentally. May 21 is the anniversary of the death of political prisoner Vitold Ashurak. He is a well-known activist from Beryozovka, who was sentenced behind closed doors to five years in prison for the events of 2020. He was sent to Shklou prison to serve his sentence. On May 21, 2021, on the 244th day of his imprisonment, he died suddenly in Shklou prison. The official reason was cardiac arrest, although, according to his relatives, the man had never complained of his health before his imprisonment. There is still no criminal case on his death. Vitold was the first to report in a letter about the appearance of yellow stripes for political prisoners in the colonies.

Vitold Ashurak

Actions dedicated to this day are planned in different countries of the world: Germany, the USA, Poland, Lithuania and Italy.

Your letters and support are very important for political prisoners, of whom there are already 1500 in our country. Let's together make our small contribution to their release and draw attention to human rights violations in Belarus.

The place of the meeting for Belarusians in Bremen is traditional (if you don't know the address, write to us beginning at 10 o'clock.

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