More Bundestag MPs have chosen to become symbolic godparents for political prisoners
As a part of the solidarity campaign #WeStandByYou, Ottmar von Holtz (Alliance 90/The Greens), Luiza Licina-Bode (SPD), Michael Sacher (Alli
More Bundestag MPs have chosen to become symbolic godparents for political prisoners
Political prisoner Aliaksandr Mishuk celebrates his birthday today
Norwegian parliamentarians became "godparents" to Belarusian political prisoners
French senators have become symbolic godfathers of imprisoned trade union leaders
Political prisoner Hanna Ablab celebrates her birthday in prison
Yanina Malash got a "godmother"
Bjørnar Moxnes: "We will continue to fight for Aliaksandr Yarashuk by the means available
Aliaksandr Yarashuk, the jailed leader of the BKDP, now has a «Godfather»