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News and Opinions

Sep 23, 20242 min read
SPD General Secretary called on Belarusian authorities to release Volha Brytsikava
The General Secretary of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Kevin Kühnert assumed the role of a “godparent” for Volha Brytsikava,

Mar 7, 20242 min read
More Bundestag MPs have chosen to become symbolic godparents for political prisoners
As a part of the solidarity campaign #WeStandByYou, Ottmar von Holtz (Alliance 90/The Greens), Luiza Licina-Bode (SPD), Michael Sacher (Alli

Jul 21, 20231 min read
Political prisoner Aliaksandr Mishuk celebrates his birthday today
Сёння Дзень народзінаў у Аляксандра Мішука – намесніка старшыні БНП, старшыні пярвічкі БНП на ААТ Беларуськалій, якога прызналі палітычны зн

Jun 28, 20233 min read
Norwegian parliamentarians became "godparents" to Belarusian political prisoners
Seven Norwegian parliamentarians from the Socialist Left Party of Norway (SV) became political godparents for trade union activists who are

Jun 7, 20231 min read
French senators have become symbolic godfathers of imprisoned trade union leaders
Another 31 MEPs have become symbolic "godfathers" of the Belarusian political prisoners, reports the human rights center Viasna. New deputie

Mar 7, 20232 min read
Political prisoner Hanna Ablab celebrates her birthday in prison
On 9 March an employee of "Belarusian Railway" and a defendant in the notorious "Rabochag Rukh" case will celebrate her 45th birthday. Unfor

Feb 7, 20231 min read
Yanina Malash got a "godmother"
Trade union activist of the Free Trade Union of Metalworkers (SPM) and eight other political prisoners have symbolic godparents. European pa

Jan 9, 20231 min read
Bjørnar Moxnes: "We will continue to fight for Aliaksandr Yarashuk by the means available
The leader of the Norwegian Red party, who recently became Aliaksandr Yarashuk's "godfather" in the #WeStandBYyou solidarity campaign, made

Dec 22, 20222 min read
Aliaksandr Yarashuk, the jailed leader of the BKDP, now has a «Godfather»
In July 2020, when a series of arrests had just begun in Belarus, Libereco launched the #WeStandBYyou solidarity campaign. In this campaign,
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