4 members of the Belarusian Free Trade Union, who were sentenced to 2.5 years in prison, were released

As well as the rest of the students who were passing through "student criminal case". Tatsiana Yakelchyk, who was detained later than the others, remains in prison.
We remind you that 12 representatives of the student community were detained in this criminal case.
Some of them were activists of the Free Belarusian Trade Union, that was liquidated by the Supreme Court in July, 2020
11 people got 2.5 years of general prison, and Gleb Fitsner (the only one who pleaded guilty) - 2 years of prison. Gleb Fitsner was released in May, and Tatsiana Yakelchyk should be released on 23d of December 2022.
The case of students, or the "Trial of Youth", is a politically motivated criminal case against students and teachers of a number of Minsk universities in Belarus who took part in the protests in 2020. During the court process only close relatives were allowed into the courtroom, and three minibuses with riot police and police patrols were driven up to the courthouse.
There was a queue of more than 50 people in the corridor of the court. The ambassadors of the Czech Republic, Sweden, the United States and Great Britain also came to the announcement of the verdict, but they were not allowed in.