On 5 January political prisoners Hennadz Fiadynich, Vasil Berasneu and Vatslau Areshka, accused in the "REP trade union case", were sentenced. Fiadynich and Berasneu were sentenced to 9 years of imprisonment, while Areshka - to 8 years of imprisonment.

On 31 March the Supreme Court started considering the appeal of the political prisoners. After the reading of the complaint and speeches of the defenders, the panel of judges headed by Judge Piotr Listratenka decided to postpone the hearing to 3 April.
As a result, today the panel of judges left the verdict unchanged, and the appeals - without satisfaction. Soon they will be put in a colony. It should be noted that all appeals, about 10 leaders and activists of the democratic trade unions, were not satisfied by the Supreme Court.