On April 19, 2023, we invite everyone to join our event demanding the release of the Belarusian trade union activists. On this day, we will hold a picket in Berlin to draw the international community’s attention to the violation of workers’ rights in Belarus.

The picket will be held in the center of Berlin, at the Brandenburger Tor on Pariser Platz. The action will begin at 12:00. On that day a year ago in Belarus there were mass searches and detentions in the offices of democratic trade unions. Dozens of leaders and activists of trade unions, members of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions, were arrested. More than 30 activists were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. Hennadz Fiadynich and Vasil Berasneu in their old age were sentenced to 9 years in a penal colony.
We should remind that for decades Lukashenka’s dictatorial regime has been terrorizing and persecuting trade union leaders and activists, as well as all everyonewithobjectionable views. Now 1480 political prisoners are in prisons and detention camps for expressing their position in Belarus.
We demand the release of our comrades from prison, an end to repression against them, and guarantees for the legitimate activities of independent trade unions. In order to achieve this goal, we are launching an information campaign that will begin on April 19, 2023.
The campaign is organized by the Association “Salidarnast”, which was founded in Bremen by Belarusian trade union activists who had to leave Belarus. This organization provides assistance to repressed trade union activists.
Join our team, disseminate our information, and support our activities with a donation.