The political prisoner Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk has been released. The news was posted by her husband Andrei Panasiuk on his Facebook page.

Palina was detained on January 03, 2021, and has been behind bars ever since. She was convicted under a number of Articles of the Criminal Code. In February 2022, when she was to be released, they added another year to her term. And in October 2023, the Judge Stanislau Ivanyutsenka sentenced her to yet another year in prison for alleged “deliberate disregard for penitentiary administration’s demands”.
During her time in prison, Palina’s health took an alarming turn for the worse. According to her relatives, the activist had to suffer violence and abuse coming from the administration of her penitentiary.
Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk is an activist of the radio electronics workers’ union (REP) in the city of Brest, as well as a civic and political figure. Her release has become an important event for all who followed her story and supported her and her family.