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Dozens of trade union associations demand the release of trade union leaders in Belarus

Trade unions, trade union associations and public organizations from all over the world, which unite tens of millions of people, sent words of support to the imprisoned trade union leaders of BKDP. They also demand from the Belarusian authorities to immediately release the trade union activists and stop the terror in the country.

Dozens of trade union associations demand the release of trade union leaders in Belarus

The European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)

Dear colleagues,

I am addressing you on behalf of the European Federation of Public Service Unions EPSU and its seven million members in 50 countries. I want to express EPSU's solidarity with the BKDP and strong opposition to the repression carried out by the Lukashenko regime.

Today we sent a letter of protest to the embassy of Belarus to the EU, condemning the trial of trade union leaders Aliaksandr Yarashuk, Siarhei Antusevich and Iryna Bud-Husaim, which is to begin tomorrow.

This is just the latest phase of the Belarusian government's attempt to suppress all independent trade union activity in the country and to suppress any opposition to its policies and, in particular, its support for the Russian war against Ukraine.

We applaud the leaders of the BKDP and all activists who continue to try to preserve independent trade unions in the country and resist repression and intimidation by the regime.

EPSU stands in solidarity with the IUTC and the international trade union movement in condemning this anti-union repression and flouting of international labor conventions and in supporting the leaders and members of the BKDP and its affiliates.

In solidarity,

Jan Willem Goudriaan,

EPSU General Secretary


Italian Confederation UIL

Dear brothers and sisters of the BKDP,

I am writing to you on behalf of UIL (Italian Labor Union) to express our concern, full support and solidarity with our Belarusian trade union colleagues and friends unjustly imprisoned and persecuted in the political process, the first hearing of which will take place tomorrow, December 20, in Minsk.

We demand that all charges against BKDP President Aliaksandr Yarashuk, vice-president Siarhei Antusevich and Iryna But-Husaim be dropped and they should be released immediately, as well as that the repression of the Belarusian regime

against Belarusian citizens and independent trade unions. We also believe in defending democracy in Belarus and the Belarusian independent trade union movement.

In our demand, we join the UIL campaign and continue our advocacy and pressure at the national level, as well as with the Italian government, for the trade union activists to be released without charges.

On behalf of the UIL, I extend my fraternal greetings to you and the entire BKDP.

Head of the International Division

Cinzia Del Rio


Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FTU)

Dear brothers and sisters!

The Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine reiterates its demand to the authorities of Belarus to release all trade union leaders - BKDP Chairman Aliaksandr Yarashuk, Deputy Chairman Siarhei Antusevich, accountant and press secretary of the BKDP Iryna But-Husaim, other political prisoners and activists, as well as to stop persecution of their families, friends, colleagues, members of initiative groups, signature collectors, and participants of peaceful protests.

Detention of political prisoners and participants of peaceful protests is a gross violation of human rights and undermining of constitutional and democratic foundations of any state.

The Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine fully agrees with International Trade Union Confederation and European Trade Union Confederation that all this is the continuation of the anti-union campaign of Lukashenko's regime and considers these actions as demonstrative punishment for criticizing Lukashenko and the principled stand of independent trade unions in defense of the rights and freedom of workers in Belarus.

With brotherly greetings,

Chairman of FPU

Grigory Osovy

ANCLA MST - Argentina

ANCLA MST-Argentina

With this statement, the undersigned express their rejection of the repression and persecution carried out by Alexander Lukashenko. The dictatorial regime is attacking the democratic freedoms of the entire society, focused on the political opposition, the Independent Trade Unions, their leaders and activists.

Leaders and activists of trade union movement ANCLA (National Anti-Bureaucratic Class Association) MST-Argentina express our support to the demand for release of political prisoners and restoration of Independent Trade Unions of Belarus.

We welcome the action that the Association "Salidarnasts" will hold on December 20 in front of the Belarusian embassy in Berlin, Germany, and we hug them tightly in solidarity with the struggle for freedom and rights of the labor movement.

Guillermo Pacagnini, Secretario General de CICOP, Asociación Sindical de Profesionales de la Salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires y Mesa Nacional de FESINTRAS (Federación Nacional de Salud)

Gastón Vacchiani, Secretario General UTS (Unión de Trabajadores de la Salud) Córdoba

César Latorre, Delegado General del Hospital Italiano – ATSA (sanidad Ciudad Bs As)

Andrea Ramírez, Secretaria General y Carolina Cáceres, Secretaria Adjunta de ALE (Asociación de Licenciadas/os en Enfermería de CABA)

Norma Lezana, Secretaria General Asociación Gremial de Profesionales y Técnicos del Hospital Garrahan

Mariano Veiga, Secretario General, Asociación Gremial Interdisciplinaria del Hospital Moyano (AGIHM)

Maxi Masquijo, Secretario de Prensa, ATECH Provincial, docentes Chubut

Francisco Torres, Secretario Gremial de la Federación Nacional Docente, FND-CTA Autónoma

Vanesa Gagliardi, Directiva de Ademys, docentes de Ciudad de Bs As Unidad

Sofia Heredia, Directiva ATECA, docentes Catamarca

Cristian Jurado, Delegado UDAP y referente docentes autoconvocados de San Juan

Edgardo Castro, Secretario General de la Junta Gremial Interna de ATE Subsecretaría de Trabajo CABA

Sofía Cáceres Sforza, Secretaria General de SITRADU, gremio de docentes universitarios, Entre Ríos

Claudio Mora, Directivo SUTNA Nacional (sindicato del neumático), Juan Bonatto, Alternativa Judicial

Raúl Laguna, Médico, Comisión Provincial de Residentes, Pcia. Bs. As. y Directivo Provincial de CICOP

Emanuel Ruiz Berra y Gloria Núñez Ruibal, Directivos por Minoría Multicolor CTA Moreno

Andrea Lanzette, Congresal de SUTEBA Lanús

Orlando Restivo, Presidente de CICOP Hospital Belgrano San Martín y Secretario de Salud Laboral de CICOP

Mirian Carusso, Presidenta Seccional CICOP Hospital Interzonal Eva Perón y Secretaria de Derechos Humanos de CICOP

Priscila Ottón, Secretaria de Primaria, Inicial y Adultos de ATEN Capital, docentes Neuquén

Anahí Zuleiman, Directiva SUTEBA Tigre

Ingrid Urrutia, Secretaria General Junta Gremial Interna de ATE INCAA (Instituto Nacional de Cine)

Nadia Burgos, Delegada Ministerio de Salud Entre Ríos, ATE

Maximiliano Bares Fara, ATE Garrahan

Leonardo Nicolás Rando, Secretario de Organización ATE Ministerio de Cultura

Alejandra Vaca, Directiva de UTS Córdoba

Martín Álvarez, Comisión Directiva de SUTEP, Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de Espectáculos Públicos, Córdoba

Lucia Sandobal, Secretaria Adjunta de APUNP, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia

Cristian Olave, Delegado Asociación Gremial del Subte (Metrodelegados)

Gabriel Geist, Delegado de AGMER Crespo

Marianela Valdez y Cielo Kramer, Delegados de AGMER Paraná

Belén Martínez, Delegada AGMER La Paz

Lucrecia Cocha y Paola Navarro Delegadas Departamentales UEPC Córdoba (docentes)

Patricia Ríos, Congresal de SUTEBA La Plata

Yamile Almeida, Junta Interna de ATE, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Daniel Rivero, Comisión Directiva, Minoría CTA Autónoma Jujuy

Alejandro Parlante, Delegado Hospital Emergencias CA de Rosario

Facundo Fernández, Secretario de Cultura de AMSAFE Rosario, docentes de Santa Fe

Montenegro Claudia y Gaitán Maricel y Horacio Perea, delegados de Amsafe Rosario

Natalí Alegría delegada de ATEN, gremio docente de Neuquén

Daniel Catalán, delegado ATE, Sistema Provincial de Manejo del Fuego, Esquel Chubut

María Lemos, delegada Instituto Cardiovascular Buenos Aires

María Garbino, Delegada ATE Anses

Pablo Lopardo, Alternativa Estatal Moreno

Natalia Verón, Romy Pérez Fuente, Alberto Vello, Delegados Municipales ATE Moreno

Juan González, Delegado Cultura Municipalidad de Moreno

Romy Pérez Fuentes, Delegada de la escuela Agraria en Moreno

Enzo Colecchia, Gloria Núñez y Emanuel Ruiz Berra, Congresales CTA Moreno

Lorena Barbuto y Sofi Pérez, delegadas SUTEBA Matanza

José Alejandro Zarauza, Lionel Rubén Del Horno, Mariana Aranda, Evelina Naveira, Mónica Baez, Mónica Morales, Mónica Gil, María Julia Ramírez, Emilce Cean, María Polizzotto, Liliana Mischoff, Silvia Puca y Gabriela Golletti, Delegados SUTEBA Lanús

Andrea Villegas, delegada Lista Multicolor docente ADP Salta

Marcelo Iommi, Congresal y delegado Suteba Avellaneda

Cristina Santillán, Congresal SUTEBA Avellaneda, Ariel Arrieta, Delegado de SUTEBA Avellaneda

Claudia Ghergo delegada SUTEBA Lomas de Zamora

Patricia Ríos, Marcelo Caro y Martín Leyes, Delegados SUTEBA La Plata

Germán Gómez, Congresal y delegado SUTEBA San Isidro

Julieta Bottoni y Laura Chololque, Delegada SUTEBA San Isidro

Roxi López, Delegado Suteba Gral. Sarmiento, Héctor Zaris, Congresal y delegado SUTEBA Bahía Blanca

Mariana Scibona, Rocío Uceda, María del Carmen Servín, delegadas Suteba Tigre

Marcela Miño, delegada SUTEBA San Miguel.


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