Today marks the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar. The Association Salidarnast joins an international campaign of solidarity with workers who are constantly risking their lives to restore democracy in their country.

Today there will be a silent strike in Myanmar, with people staying in their homes and workplaces, leaving the streets deserted. This form of protest has become one of the few that are possible in the country today.
The situation of workers in Myanmar has worsened dramatically since the military coup of February 2021. Most unions are now banned, many workers who used to be protected by collective bargaining agreements have been fired, replaced by temporary workers without any rights. After the coup, the military launched a crackdown on unions and their members, accompanied by violent attacks and arrests.
More than 60 trade unionists are currently imprisoned on trumped-up charges. International trade union associations believe that they must be released immediately.
Global unions call for unconditional international and national recognition of the authority of the National Unity Government (NUG) of Myanmar as the only and truly democratic government of the people of Myanmar.
Trade union campaigns in support of the people of Myanmar have been ongoing for more than a year since the military coup. The global trade union movement has vowed that it will not rest until power is returned to the people.
The Belarusian labour movement is facing similar challenges as the workers of Myanmar. The militarist Lukashenko regime pursued a repressive policy against the Belarusian people, liquidated democratic trade unions, and sentenced their leaders and activists to long prison terms. Like the regime in Myanmar, the regime in Belarus is one of the worst violators of workers’ rights and fundamental conventions of the ILO. Therefore, we wholeheartedly support the workers of Myanmar’s desire for freedom and democracy!

Maksim Pazniakou, Acting Chairperson of the Belarusian Congress of democratic trade unions, BKDP says:
"Today, the democratic labour movement faces the greatest challenges since World War II. The strengthening of dictatorships around the world threatens the very principles of social justice. The role of the International Labor Organization as part of the United Nations is more important than ever."