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Belarusian trade union activists need solidarity

At the initiative of the National Commission NSZZ "Solidarność" the action of sending postcards with portraits of Belarusian trade union prisoners to the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Poland continues.

Па ініцыятыве Нацыянальнай камісіі NSZZ «Solidarność», працягваецца акцыя па адпраўцы ў Амбасаду Рэспублікі Беларусь у Польшчы паштовак з выявамі прафсаюзных вязняў у Беларусі.
National Commission. Photo M. Zheglinski

On March 7, at a meeting of the National Commission, a position on this issue was adopted. The participants of the meeting also took pictures with postcards of imprisoned Belarusan trade unionists, which members of "Solidarność" have been sending to the Belarusan embassy in Warsaw in recent weeks. Several thousand postcards have been sent so far.

Пётр Дуда
Piotr Duda, chairman of the NSZZ Solidarność

We should remind that the first postcard was sent to the embassy by Piotr Duda, chairman of the NSZZ "Solidarność", urging other activists to join the action.


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