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Belarus in the spotlight because of violations of workers' rights

Representative of the liquidated trade unions in Belarus, speaking at the International Labor Conference, urged the conference delegates to influence the situation of workers' rights in the country and vote for the application of Article 33 of the ILO Constitution in relation to Belarus.

Maksim Pazniakou. Address at the International Labor Conference

Maksim Pazniakou, representative of the IUF International Union and the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP), described to the conference delegates the situation in Belarus. He noted that since the beginning of 1995 the labor movement in the country has been actively undermined and universal human rights are systematically violated. The restrictions imposed on non-state organizations and independent mass media are serious obstacles to freedom of expression and right of association.

He noted that over the past three years almost all organizations that do not share the views of the regime have been banned in Belarus, and more than 1,500 political prisoners are in prison, including more than 40 trade union leaders and activists. Some of them were recognized as extremists and terrorists. Such actions are unacceptable for a civilized society of the 21st century, especially considering that Belarus is in the center of Europe.

Aliaksandr Yarashuk, one of the persecuted leaders who previously held a number of positions in the IUF International Trade Union, the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions and the ILO, is a prime example of violations of the rights and freedoms of trade union leaders in Belarus.

Maksim Pazniakou and ILO Director General Gilbert Houngbo

The director general of the International Labor Organization, Gilbert Houngbo, stressed in his report that without respect for basic human rights there can be no social justice.

- Release of imprisoned trade union leaders, restoration of freedom of association in Belarus and revival of independent trade union movement are the minimum conditions for dialogue, so often stated by the Belarusian authorities, - believes the Belarusian trade union leader. - We urge delegates to support the application of Article 33 of the International Labor Organization with regard to the government of Belarus. This is an opportunity to contribute to the system, where violations of ILO principles will not remain without consequences.

Maksim Pazniakou believes that the international community should not remain indifferent to the systematic violations of human rights and oppression of trade unions in Belarus. Support from the International Labor Organization and international communities will be a strong signal to the Belarusian authorities that the violations won't go unpunished.

- This is your opportunity to support those who risk their personal freedom for the core value of the ILO, freedom of association. This is the time when ILO members must be united and in solidarity in their actions in defense of freedom, democracy and social justice, - the Belarusian trade union leader addressed the delegates.

Belarus also sounded in the report of Vasil Andreev, representative of Ukraine, as a country-military ally of Russia, where trade union rights are violated. It is worth noting that a protest rally will be held in Geneva on June 15, demanding the release of the Belarusian trade union leaders. The participants and organizers of the action are the global trade union associations.

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